Ayahuasca Dieta

The “Ayahuasca Dieta” is an important aspect of preparing oneself to attend ceremony. There are many different diets and before we share our recommendations there are some important distinctions we would like to go over to assist you on your journey.

Minimum VS Traditional Dietas

Our recommended ayahuasca dieta is essentially a minimum requirement. The food we eat is such a fundamental part of our day to day existence. Our diet stems our childhoods, cultural influence, personal preferences, availability, affordability and more. Changing ones diet can be a stressful and monumental task and we understand this. We dont want to make this process anymore difficult than it has to be. So, we try to keep our recommended ayahuasca dieta as simple as possible.

A Traditional dieta is far more restrictive than we require. Essentially, the cleaner, more whole foods based, and bland your diet is, the better. However, going from a standard american diet to eating plain veggies and chicken all day everyday is an incredibly stressful shift to make. We don’t think it is in our guests best interest to be stressed out and hungry going into one of our retreats. If someone is already eating really clean and mostly whole foods, then simply eating more bland might be recommended. But if you’re adjusted to a normal american diet then we advise more manageable restrictions.

At the present moment we are just working to get our dieta page up and going with basic overview information. Eventually, we plan to include many recipes and meals and section these menu items out to be categorized based on ease of diet. For example, One of the recipe’s we include is a Vegan raspberry basil grilled cheese. It’s delicious, and technically abides by the basic recommendations for our guests’ diets. Its also a great item if the dieta is proving to be stressful on your household because of a spouse or children, and again, we don’t want this to be an area of stress. However, its not the best thing you could be eating, and it certainly wouldn’t fly if you were in the jungle sitting with a master plant. One of the most important aspects of the diet is a show of sacrifice, of eating cleaner than you have been. And if you’re somebody who eats red meat 3 meals a day then a vegan grilled cheese is a a HUGE step. its all relative, so we advise you to do your best, make some adjustments, and try not to worry about the details too much.

Our Recommended Ayahuasca Dieta


The following items should be eliminated from your diet for two weeks leading up to ceremony. We understand that this can be a difficult process which is why we are working to publish as many recipes as we can. This diet will help prepare your body, show commitment, and create greater self awareness.

We also have a group chat for each group that begins 3 weeks prior to the retreat, where you can swap ideas and share recipes with each other.


Red Meat




Fermented foods

Heavily Processed foods

excessive salt, sugar, and spices

Alcohol +Substances



Preparation for an ayahuasca retreat is about more than just what food you’re putting in your body. The content you put in your mind leading up to ceremony will also have a dramatic effect. This is an excellent time to take a break from social media, the news, and even combative conversations.

Additionally, we know you may be eager and nervous and want to watch videos or documentaries about ayahuasca experiences, but this should also be avoided. Consuming content about another persons journey only creates expectations and boundaries within your own mind. No two experiences are the same, and having an open mind is the best thing you can do.


News media + TV + Movies

Strong arguments +

Tense situations

Aya docs + "trip reports"

(avoid expectations)


At this point you may be wondering “well what can I do before ceremony?” We have a short list of recommendations. If you want to watch TV, at least watch something like gaia - a streaming service similar to Netflix but with more conscious content. Or watch documentaries like “planet earth.”

Our biggest suggestion is to begin journaling. This is an excellent time to really verbalize your intentions and think about why you are drinking the medicine.


Conscious Media (ie gaia)


Journal + Set intentions

Connect With Nature
